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  We are happy to announce three new classes!

ATF is happy to announce the start of three new fitness classes at the ATF pavilion:
1. LATIN DANCE with Maja Tvorska (afternoon)
2. YOGA with Jessica Manzano (afternoon) 
3. FUNTIONAL MOBILITY with Elena Menci (pre-lunch time)

Maja takes you through the steps and movements of all the known Latin dance forms. It is a great combination of learning, exercise and fun! You can join alone, with a partner, or a friend. Enjoy a fresh drink or glass of wine at our sports bar afterwards!

Jessica has a super way of introducing yoga to newcomers and at the same time works with the more experienced of the group. These yoga classes are done with and without props. 

Elena specialises in working with athletes - specifically tennis players and golfers. The classes combine mobility, rotation, stretching, and strengthening exercises. Perfect for those with back, knees, shoulder, elbow, wrist and neck issues.